Localization Update ------------------- Automatically download and update your translations by fetching them from https://localize.drupal.org or any other Localization server. The l10n update module helps to keep the translation of your drupal core and contributed modules up to date with the central Drupal translation repository at https://localize.drupal.org. Alternatively locally stored translation files can be used as translation source too. By choice updates are performed automatically or manually. Locally altered translations can either be respected or ignored. The l10n update module is developed for: * Distributions which include their own translations in .po files. * Site admins who want to update the translation with each new module revision. * Site builders who want an easy tool to download translations for a site. * Multi-sites that share one translation source. Project page: https://www.drupal.org/project/l10n_update Support queue: https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/l10n_update Installation ------------ Download, unpack the module the usual way. Enable this module and the Locale module (core). You need at least one language (besides the default English). On Administration > Configuration > Regional and language > Languages: Click "Add language". Select a language from the select list "Language name". Then click the "Add language" button. Drupal is now importing interface translations. This can take a few minutes. When it's finished, you'll get a confirmation with a summary of the translations that have been imported. If required, enable the new language as default language. Administration > Configuration > Regional and language > Languages: Select your new default language. Update interface translations ----------------------------- You want to import translations regularly using cron. You can enable this on Administration > Configuration > Regional and language > Languages: * Choose the "Translation updates" tab. * Change "Check for updates" to "Daily" or "Weekly" instead of the default "Never". From now on cron will check for updated translations, and import them is required. The status of the translations is reported on the "Status report" page at Administration > Reports. To check the translation status and execute updates manually, go to Administration > Configuration > Regional and language > Translate inteface Choose the "Update" tab. You see a list of all modules and their translation status. On the bottom of the page, you can manually update using "Update translations". Use Drush --------- You can also use drush to update your translations: drush l10n-update # Update translations. drush l10n-update-refresh # Refresh available information. drush l10n-update-status # Show translation status of available project Summary of administrative pages ------------------------------- Translations status overview can be found at Administration > Configuration > Regional and language > Languages > Translation updates Update configuration settings can be found at Administration > Configuration > Regional and language > Translate interface > Update Translating Drupal core, modules and themes ------------------------------------------- When Drupal core or contributed modules or themes get installed, Drupal core checks if .po translation files are present and updates the translations with the strings found in these files. After this, the localization update module checks the localization server for more recent translations, and updates the site translations if a more recent version was found. Note that the translations contained in the project packages may become obsolete in future releases. Changes to translations made locally using the site's build in translation interface (Administer > Site building > Translate interface > Search) and changes made using the localization client module are marked. Using the 'Update mode' setting 'Edited translations are kept...', locally edited strings will not be overwritten by translation updates. NOTE: Only manual changes made AFTER installing Localization Update module are preserved. To preserve manual changes made prior to installation of Localization Update module, use the option 'All existing translations are kept...'. po files, multi site and distributions -------------------------------------- Multi sites and other installations that share the file system can share downloaded translation files. The Localization Update module can save these translations to disk. Other installations can use these saved translations as their translation source. All installations that share the same translation files must be configured with the same 'Store downloaded files' file path e.g. 'sites/all/translations'. Set the 'Update source' of one installation to 'Local files and remote server' or 'Remote server only', all other installations are set to 'Local files only' or 'Local files and remote server'. Translation files are saved with the following file name syntax: -..po For example: masquerade-6.x-1.5.de.po tac_lite-7.x-1.0-beta1.nl.po Po files included in distributions should match this syntax too. Missing translations -------------------- If you see "Missing translations for ..." on the Translate interface update page this means that Localization Update module was not able to find a translation file for one or more of your modules or themes. This is usually the case with features, but can also occur with custom modules. In case of custom modules, remove the line "project = ..." from the .info file. Only use "project = ..." for modules that are available at drupal.org or custom modules for which an alternative source of translation is provided (see below). In case of a feature add the feature machine name to 'Project' at admin/config/regional/language/update > Disable update. This will prevent Localization Update module from checking for updates for this feature. If "missing translations" lists all your enabled modules the webserver has no access to ftp.drupal.org. Contact your hosting to allow access. If only a few of your contributed modules are in the list, first verify that the translation is actually missing by visiting the listed URL of the .po file (for example "https://ftp.drupal.org/files/translations/7.x/views/views.hu.po") When the file is not found, you either try again later or contact a translation administrator of your language at https://localize.drupal.org/. Alternative source of translation --------------------------------- The download path pattern is normally defined in the above defined xml file. You may override the download path of the po file on a project by project basis by adding this definition in the .info file: l10n path = http://example.com/files/translations/%core/%project/%project-%release.%language.po Modules can force Locale to load the translation of an other project by defining 'interface translation project' in their .info file. This can be useful for custom modules to use for example a common translation file interface translation project = my_project This can be used in combination with an alternative path to the translation file. For example: l10n path = sites/all/modules/custom/%project/%project.%language.po Exclude a project from translation checks and updates ----------------------------------------------------- Individual modules can be excluded from translation checks and updates. For example custom modules or features. Add the following line to the .info file to exclude a module from translation checks and updates: interface translation project = FALSE API --- Using hook_l10n_update_projects_alter modules can alter or specify the translation repositories on a per module basis. See l10n_update.api.php for more information. Using a Proxy ------------- Use the cURL HTTP Request module (https://www.drupal.org/project/chr) if your website is behind a proxy. If you want to use an alternative http request function, set the 'drupal_http_request_function', the same way as you would set it to override Drupal core's http_request function: $conf['drupal_http_request_function'] = 'my_custom_http_request'; Maintainers ----------- Erik Stielstra Gábor Hojtsy Jose Reyero